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Jan 6, 2022
2 min read

Nepal Earthquake: Report from OpenStreetMap Situation Room (Day 3- April 28)


Kathmandu Living Labs

Number of mappers continued to grow today. We have over 2200 mappers mapping Nepal’s earthquake hit areas at the time of this writing. (Please see this: http://osm.townsendjennings.com/nepal/). The KLL team and other local volunteers including those from www.nepalmonitor.org and http://www.parewalabs.com/ worked hard on a number of items from our situation room today.

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KLL Situation Room on April 28 (Day 3)
](https://kllsites.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/blogs_img/2015/04/IMG_20150428_125932.jpg) KLL Situation Room on April 28 (Day 3)/caption

We received an overwhelming response to our OSM Clinic. A group of over 40 young people came to our situation room in the morning. They like the crowd-sourced reporting platform (http://www.kathmandulivinglabs.org/earthquake) we deployed yesterday and want to connect it to the earthquake response workflow.  We have localized this deployment in Nepali and also enabled SMS reporting to this site today.

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Young people learning to use mobile app for damage reporting
](https://kllsites.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/blogs_img/2015/04/IMG_20150428_113052.jpg) Young people learning to use mobile app for damage reporting/caption

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Youth gathered outside the KLL Situation Room
](https://kllsites.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/blogs_img/2015/04/IMG_20150428_121547.jpg) Youth gathered outside the KLL Situation Room/caption

Request for map data has started to come from response agencies. We were requested to provide IDP sites in the Kathmandu Valley and high-resolution imagery for 11 districts hit hard by the earthquake today. Thanks to international mappers and Digital Globe.

The quake-map repository (kathmandulivinglabs.github.io/quake-maps) has maps for additional districts today. We got several requests for more detailed maps for different districts. They are asking for those maps as they plan to travel to those areas for response and relief work. Unfortunately, the level of detail in those remote areas seemed insufficient for the map to be practically useful. Remote mapping is a challenge there and there are not too many local mappers in those areas either. The only available option now is to go to the field. Unfortunately, Kathmandu Living Labs does not have time and resources for that at this point in time.

We will update you tomorrow. Thanks again for your continued contribution and help!

Kathmandu Living Labs

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